The brief
Deliver a health & safety solution that means families and festival-goers can enjoy a weekend of cars, music and fun across the festival and camp sites.

Redwood solution
With an involvement in CarFest since the first show, we’ve worked with the festival orgainsers Brand Events to deliver the health and safety requirements at both CarFest North and South. Each year our involvement from the planning stage means that we help to shape the design of the event and help it grow year on year.
Across both sites, Redwood manages all aspects of H&S with a specialist onsite team overseeing the event build to ensure all structures, stages and catering units were signed off against legislative requirements and had the correct processes in place.
During the festival, Redwood’s team monitored and managed the safety elements across the site which includes cardisplays ranging from classic cars to F1 motors, several live music stages in session, a selection of family entertainment areas and camp sites at both north and south locations.
Until the final festival-goer goes home and every last piece of trackway is heading off the site, we were onhand to ensure the event runs in line with all legislative and H&S requirements, whilst promoting a positive safety culture.